LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. -- Showcasing the Air Force’s core value Excellence in All We Do is something the Airmen of the 189th Airlift Wing take very seriously. Recently, the wing was awarded recognition for its commitment to excellence with the Air Force Outstanding Unit award.
“Over the past two years, the wing has gone above and beyond to demonstrate our capabilities to the rest of the Guard and the Air Force,” said Col. Dean Martin, 189th Airlift Wing commander. “I am extremely proud of our Guardsmen for what they’ve done within our wing to be honored with this achievement.”
The Air Force Outstanding Unit Award is presented by the Secretary of the Air force to units that “distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious service or outstanding achievement that clearly sets the unit above and apart from other units,” according to the Air Force’s website.
Over the last two years, the wing played a crucial role in the development and expertise of more than 300 coalition and crew members. The wing also generated more than 1,500 training sorties and executed more than 4,300 training missions, leading the way in in flying training for the Air National Guard. More than 400 expeditionary Security Forces Airmen were also deployed during this time in support of INHERENT RESOLVE, securing assets and facilities in the fight against adversaries. The 189 AW provided direct support to 100 aircraft from 18 countries involving more than 11,000 personnel during the 2018 and 2019 Northern Strike exercises, fostering and sustaining joint and coalition combat readiness.
The 189th Airlift Wing, created in 1924 as the 154th Observation Group, has received the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award 10 times. Its rich history and participation in historic world events, such as the Pueblo Crisis, Korean War and many more, exemplifies the wing’s ability to remain combat ready in an ever-changing military environment.